Our FPV Videos



Want to build a rocket--Open ​Sourced Materials

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Shot on 2024 at ​home

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We are dedicated to providing an open-source platform that shares projects from the ​very basics (as we started all our projects from scratch), including the most detailed ​instructions that we can think of. Our goal is to allow everyone who is interested to follow ​our steps to replicate the projects themselves or to be inspired and start thinking and ​planning for their future.

“We don’t own the idea that might change the

world; we share it.” - Ryan Zhao

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Videos of our third ​generarion of rocket fuel

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Camera Zoom Target Frame
Camera Zoom Target Frame

8th motor test

on 2024

Mo​t​or limit test

Motor test 9

Shot on 2024

9th Motor test

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Optimal expanding!

Five shock diamonds!

Clean Pressured Dotted Arrow

Using our 9th-generation rocket fuel:

66% 200-micron ammonium perchlorate

4% 3,3’-Dinitro-4,4’-azoxyfurazan

12% bisphenol-A epoxy

10% Ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether

4% Aliphatic Amine

2% Copper oxide

2% 10 microns aluminum powder

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Motor test 7

Shot on 2024

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Camera Zoom Target Frame

Motor tests

Shot on 2024

About us

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All work is completed through self-​exploration and collaboration with friends ​and teachers.

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On June 2024, I started on the exhilarating journey of ​exploring rockets. My passion for chemistry and physics is ​not only driven by personal interest but also by a profound ​belief in the practicality of knowledge. I am determined to ​apply what I already know, diligently study what I have yet to ​learn, and ultimately inspire others to join me in the pursuit ​of knowledge and their own life goals. - Ryan Zhao

Our Work